Sacred Heart Church - Santacruz - Mumbai
Sunday Masses: 6AM,7AM,8AM(Children) 8AM Hall (Adults)9AM,10AM[ To be Verified]WeekDay Masses:
6:30 AM 7:15AM AND 7:00PM
Baptisms: 1st Sunday - No Baptism
2nd Sunday - Baptism Within the Mass
3rs,4th & 5th Sundays - After the 10AM Mass
Nuptial Masses : Weekdays - 5:00PM
Sunday - 4:30PM
Funeral Masses : 9:00AM & 4:00PM on Weekdays
11:00AM on Sundays
Confessions: Saturdays - 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Special Services :
Wednesdays: O.L.P.S. Novena at 5:30PM in Konkani
First Friday of the Month : Novena Service With Adoration - 7:00PM Mass7:30PM
Please provide holy week mass and related timing.